Ongoing Documentary Projects
In November, 2018,
I started filming a self-funded documentary, titled “Our Path to Heaven 同婚天堂路” about the marriage equality movement in Taiwan. It tells the story of this social movement, unique in Asia, from just before Taiwan’s first-of-a-kind referendums on marriage and LGBT sex education, until the conclusion of the campaign six months later.
Our characters are the activists and politicians fighting for, and against, the right of same-sex couples in Taiwan to marry.
The eventual outcome was entirely uncertain, and caused a great deal of anxiety among activists and LGBT families right down to the wire, until the legislature finally passed same-sex marriage legislationon May 17, and the first same-sex marriages were carried out on the morning of May 24, 2019.
“Our Path to Heaven 同婚天堂路” is now in post production.